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type 052bの例文


  • The Type 052B is equipped with four 18-barrel Type 724 chaff launchers for part of its self-defense suite.
  • The 051B was succeeded by the domestic Type 052B, discounting the 4 Soviet built Sovremennyy-class destroyer China purchased in the interim.
  • The Type 052B destroyer was the first, and features a stealthy design, modern layout, and adopted many Russian and indigenous weapons and sensors.
  • The primary mission of Type 052B is providing area air defense for the fleet, so anti-shipping mission is secondary, which is handled by 4 quad Close-In Weapons System.
  • Due to the urgent need of integrating Russian MR-710 radar to Type 052B destroyer, the original general designer Wan Jun was reassigned as the general engineer of this program, and later on, deputy general designer Diao Chen-Xi immigrated to Canada in July 1996.
  • In the event of war, PLAN ships would be sunk before they could detect enemy ships, so it would be imperative for Chinese radar developers to develop a phased array radar to boost the combat capability of PLAN . To meet this requirement of PLAN that would eventually become PLAN s SAPARS ( "'S "'hipborne "'A "'ctive "'P "'hased "'A "'rray "'R "'adar "'S "'ystem ) project / program, the 14th institute presented the development and research results since November 1989, and Mr . Zhang Guang-Yi informed PLAN that based on the size limitation of the radar antenna ( 4 meter x 4 meter ) onboard Type 052B destroyer, a S-band APAR would have a range in excess of 300 km, 50 % higher than the original PLAN requirement of 200 km.